I didn't take nearly enough pictures of this trip. But here are some from the phone.
me: Row 20...I bet we're not that far back.
(later) Kelsie: Not that far back, eh? We're in the last row.
I can't think of many things that aren't improved by a fried egg.
After we ate these burgers we were sitting in the car in the parking lot when police chased a guy in a car into the parking lot and both cops jumped out of the car. It wasn't too big of a showdown, but did add some excitement to our first night in LA.

If you are going to see this movie, don't watch the trailer. If you're not going to see it, just watch the trailer ten or so times, because it's awesome.
Not pictured:
Wonderful Italian food at Pinocchio's (Burbank), where instead of Italian they spoke Spanish. Figures.
Memorial Day fireworks Sunday night.
Those Louisiana fried things Whit made us.
The worst breakfast burritos ever.
That goofy guy at the restaurant we went to who was half asleep as he tried to make recommendations.
Baby kitties.
Good conversations.
Roadtrip back where we ate Burger King twice (they have good smoothies, btw).
and much, much more.
I'm ready to go back.