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May 16, 2013


Every year a week after my birthday when I realize I haven't used my free-birthday-scoop from Baskin Robins I think to myself, why do I always forget this? And why didn't I sign up for more free offers before my birthday?

This year, however, inspired by my friend, Diana, who said that she was going to try and go the whole month of May without buying food I decided I was going to do it--and I was going to find them all.

It started (like most things) with a post on Facebook...

So I went to all the company websites and signed up for their "clubs" (usually called the eClub but some of them have more cutesy names) and the emails started rolling in...

I started looking up more and more companies that are local to Provo/Orem and weren't on the list. I am hoping to be an inspiration to you all, because why shouldn't you have the most magical birthday month ever?

My advice is to sign up for them NOW even if your birthday isn't coming up because I have the dilemma of trying to cram my "welcome to the club" and "birthday gifts" into the same month...in two weeks actually because I started late. I have to go to IHOP twice before the month ends! I even have checklists and spreadsheets--this is not a joke.

Wish me luck! You can follow the food on Instagram at #eatyourbirthday. This is one of my most noble campaigns yet. 

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