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Apr 8, 2009

you gotta learn to reach up there and grab it

I now give you (belated)...
What I Worked On For Several Months of My Life....
aka Film Program Application of Doom
I didn't have actual DVD envelopes so...I made my own.

We had to make four copies of our applications which included about 12 pages of written nonsense and a creative sample on dvd.

just before the office closed.

and it's in.
V for Victory!!
I was so happy for it to be done I did a victory jump off the HFAC steps.
And I'd like to thank everyone who put up with me during the process, acted in my movie, and especially Elizabeth for taking these pictures and all of the above.
And the academy.

1 comment:

E. said...

Hey, remember that time, that one time when you finished your film application and I documented at least every other second of it?

I just realised that that's a little bit insane.