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Feb 10, 2009

it's been a long time long time

Reasons I love the Library:

.Some guy just stood in the middle of the room pumping his arms triumphantly

.Another guy has been talking about his family's dog, Scooby, for five minutes...Then another five minutes discussing how their other dog, Patch, got his name.
Oh, now he is talking about kittens.
"they're actually really cute, I'm not a big cat fan but...Oh, you like cats better than dogs? Yeah, because you don't have to take care of cats. The only thing with them is that you have to worry about them scratching up your carpets. Because a lot of places now won't let you buy them if you're going to declaw them. But now they have these things that are fake plastic nails that go over the claws, but they fall off a lot. But I guess it's becoming a new thing...In the cat world."

I should have picked somewhere less distracting to study.

Word of the day (coined by moi): Shamditioner n. 2-in-1 conditioner and shampoo.
It's great because it sounds like a swear word.

1 comment:

E. said...

In the cat world.

omg. heart it. and him, whoever he is.

(and huzzah for eavesdropping)