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Jan 27, 2009

you love me and you know it.

it is easy to come up with names that come up with J

jess, jebediah, jacklyn, jacob, jessica, jeff, jim, johnny, jaden, jordan, justin, jethro, jude, jill, jamie, julia, joy, joslyn, jared, jed, jackson, jenna, joseph, jean, jan, jane, etc...

so if you're going to name your kids names that start with the same thing, don't choose j, it's a cop out.

like R
try and come up with ten names that start with R. Or Q.

also, i am going to make this goal right now...i am not having 18 kids.


Brooke said...

Roland, Ralph, Rudolph, Renee, Raylene, Rhonda, Ryan, Ruth, Rafiki, Rowan.

these are probably te most attractive R names I can think of.

Quentin, Quartz, Quinlynn, Queenie, Quincey...that's all I got.

Alyssa said...

I am completely behind you on your goal of not having 18 kids. I think I might join you in that goal!

E. said...

You know, the Q thing isn't so hard if you're Chinese, or Hindi. But we English are incredibly unimaginative---it's like if we don't start it out with "Quin--" there's no hope to it. Meanwhile, the world's getting creative with things like Qiao or Qing Yuan.

Anyway. About that 18 kid bit. Yeah, don't do it.