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Jun 17, 2009

your sleeplessness makes you a liar

I don't go running very often.
But when "forced" to participate in such activities
turns out it's not really so bad...if it's a short run.
Only the fact remains that I do not have normal running clothes.

Shoes: Bright yellow and blue
Shorts: pink, purple, yellow, orange, brown (flowers)
Shirt: Whatever I can find
Headband: lime green

and the only socks I could find today were knee-highs.

basically people laughed when they saw me.
though, the people who've known me longest didn't act surprised
which probably says something about me

Proof I've had no time lately: I haven't listened to music on my itunes since Sunday.
(because I just checked and it's on the Sunday playlist)

But, I'm getting the hang of waitressing
and I spent a couple days working on something for ABCFamily
(that's right, we're talking pro)

More on that later.

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