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Mar 11, 2009

Always Save.

How many times do we forget to save and loose a document?
Answer: innumerably.

I do it, you do it, our friends do it, we hear endless stories of this fatal document loosing.
But every time we think smugly, "well, you should have saved!"
Then it happens to us weeks later.

Because no matter how often it happens.
You never think to save.

Finally, we've had to invent the technology to do it for us.

Woke up this morning to find my computer had restarted.
About five paragraphs down the drain.

I just stared at it. And though it doesn't have eyes, I'm pretty sure it stared back.
If it had been a puppy, it'd be wagging it's tail, tongue lolling out, and head tilted to one side.
No idea what it had done.

Clicking the little disk icon is really not that hard!! ctrl+s works too.
Don't be the next me.

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