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Jan 27, 2009

you're the top

E'ery day I am more and more glad that I am applying to the film program.
Because film classes, film people, and making films is...well, the best thing ever.
and .... if i don't get in, it is/will be still dam-buildingly worth it.

Today in class, in order to analyze characters, we watched people make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We critiqued their techniques (say that five times fast). How many other classes do you get to make fun of people? Well, I guess Bro. Bott does it all the time in Mission Prep. But, other than that...

Things I Want to Be (#1)

On another note I am semi-embarassed of the email address that I adopted back in 7th grade (compliments of my bff Hilary) rescuedog89@hotmail.com because well, it's a bit silly really. My host sister asked questioningly, "cane salvatore?" Yeah.. But I was thinking about it recently, with events in life and such. And I really would love to be a rescue dog. In Italy we were always making up ridiculous questions to ask people to entertain ourselves on long journeys. I once asked, "if you could have any job that doesn't exist what would it be?" professional movie watcher, world beautifier, cookie taste-tester, someone who lives in a tree., etc.

Well, now I know what I want to be. I want to rescue people. Rescue them from things that make them sad.

I want to feed all the people in Africa.
I want to patch up the broken hearted.
I want to hug homeless people (okay, not really, but I've thought about it)
I want to teach people how to enjoy life.
I want to encourage others to frolick down breezeways and skip to class (or skip class, if necessary)
I want to be there when people need me.
I want to stay up until 3am because you need an ear, whether it's driving around, or on the couch, or laying on the pavement under the stars.
Once, in elementary school, I told my friend she could borrow my stuffed hedgehog for a presentation she was giving the next day, but that night I couldn't find it. So I constructed one out of a tennis ball and toothpicks so that she'd have something.
I just...want to help people.
Lame stuff happens all the time. and it sucks.

Mostly, I want to make people laugh. Because sometimes, most of the times, that's all you can do.

sappy, eh?


1 comment:

E. said...

This is an amazing post. Amazing.