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Jan 8, 2009

just what i needed

Q: I'm looking for a good relationship with my family and a good income. Should I major in film?

A: If you want a good relationship with your family? Yes. If you want to be wealthy? No. What was the last question?

Uh, should I major in film?

For the education in storytelling and creating, yes. I'm not rich, but I'm crazy happy.
-Rick Stevenson

I don't know why some film makers are so amazing, but I constantly find myself being amazed by the things that they are.

Now, my plug for Expiration Date it is a brilliant little independent film. I can't really put my finger on what exactly made it so engaging, but I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Gasping. "oh no!"ing. Laughing. Almost crying. It some ways it was the same old plot we've seen over and over, but it always left you a little unsure if things were really how they seemed. And it was all woven together amazingly. Brilliant, brilliant shots of Seattle also.

After the screening Rick talked about voice and storytelling. And, that, I believe is what made the movie so great. The story meant something to him, as a director, and he managed to show it, and made it mean something to those of us watching.

Also, amazing how he made such a poignant, moving film that was also comedic. Brilliant.

Brooke and I bought it. So, for those of you in Provo, pretty sure we'll set up another screening [party] soon. Because it's something you need to just see. My review is doing nothing for it.

And he didn't even major in film.


Brooke said...

He didn't even major in film all THREE times he went to school.

what a brilliant man.

gah! I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that screening last night. it was one of my favorite movie-viewing experiences ever. just because of how all the elements came together (the opening shorts, the MOVIE, the audience enthusiasm, the q&a, the awesome vibe)

Brooke said...

oh! and his tone of voice when he said "I'm crazyhappy." I was trying to recreate that moment for my roommates and brothers. but it was touching.

E. said...

Okay. So I feel awful. How did I miss this? Why did I miss this?

New rule: when I say I can't come, because I'm being responsible, DON'T listen to me. Snap my books shut, shove my pen away, and march me out the door.

The End.

Jordan said...

So mad.

I was in class.

You must make this "screening" broadly known.