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Jan 9, 2009

all along the western front...

Sorry, still stuck on last night's experience.

He was saying how only 1/5 of every indy film gets to go to big screens while all of the Hollywood ones go, regardless of their quality. Depressing, right? But then he goes on to say that we just got to fight it. So he made this website http://www.officialbestoffest.com/ "The Best Films You've Never Seen."

We watched two shorts from the Kids film box set. They were incredible. One from Australia and one from Scotland. In the latter you could hardly understand the boy at some points, but the message was so sweet. They're the kind of films I would show my kids [if I had some] and also watch over and over.

Afterwards, we spoke with Rick, trying to fumble out some explanation of his greatness, and failing and he said he's going to try and bring more films to screen at BYU.

Seriously, he is the ultimate motivational speaker for film kids.

Fun side note: In Hugh Grant's first movie [produced by Rick Stevenson] he was listed as Hughie Grant. haha.

In other news, everyone's getting engaged! mamma mia.

I have to go to Italian and really don't want to, but I guess I can't complain, because it's my only class today. And I only had 20 minutes of class yesterday thanks to a concise film TA. :)

1 comment:

Jordan said...

WHO?! Who was it that shortchanged you on your education and let you out an hour early?

Seriously though, who's your TA? Are you in 102? I thought you already took that class.

Help me, I'm confused!

Also, this motivational film person seems maybe interesting. I must investigate further.

Longest comment ever!