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Dec 21, 2008

fall on your knees

It's the winter solstice in the Northern hemisphere, summer solstice in the Southern hemisphere, and Haiku Day in the U.S. Does that inspire you to write a three-line poem with five syllables in the first and last lines and seven in the middle line?

it is icy out
i could skate on the porch
but instead i won't

we had no power
no lights, oven, or TV
made fudge in the dark

my little brother
wore headphones, sang beatles' songs
and it made me laugh

iz called me today
said our new house is kick a
cheap rent and a dog


amaduli said...

Gotta love the ice storm. I suppose the dark could be a real relief, as long as you keep warm.

Anonymous said...

a subtle art form
the haiku never will fail
to charm and delight

there is no ice here
only balmy wind and sand
frolic in the sun

I enjoy this game
writing haiku is real fun
is haiku plural?