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Aug 19, 2008

i can see a lot of life in you

Today 3 of my campers cried.
Have I mentioned 1st graders aren't my favorite?
And some of the older kids gathered around and said how they missed having me as a counselor and I just really, really wanted to trade.
Have I mentioned 5th-7th graders are in love with me?
Bought Chaco's so I am now part of the million of people who have them.
Never thought I'd spend that much on shoes.
Have I mentioned I enjoy being completely original?

I think it's good this is my last week because I'm started to get really frustrated with a few things.
Like people who don't take their job seriously and leave their groups ALL the time. When they have campers that needed special attention...that they REQUESTED to have in their group.

I just opened an email that said I should pack 2 pair of pants and five shirts...for 3 months in Italy? That's not going to happen.

me=one tired puppy
also I yell-sang so loud/hard today I got lightheaded.
did I mention it's a good thing I only have a week of work left?

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