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May 30, 2008

now i've tasted chocolate and i'm never going back.

Just got done watching Hairspray.
Even though several people talked it up I thought I wouldn't like it...But then I discovered I couldn't not like it because it contained some of my favorite elements: musicals, the sixties, sweet costumes, and black people dancing.
But I couldn't help but think the Civil Rights movement really should have ended because everyone wanted to dance together.
Love Queen Latifa, love whatever all the girls names are, "I would SO let Zac Efron's errupted apendix make out with me", but I think I had too high of expectations for Johnny T.
Also, my roommate told me some complete lies about the Zac Efron/Main Girl romance. So I kept waiting for a plot twist that never happened.

I would like to see the East Coast sometime. So I could walk through the streets singing Gooood morning BALTIMORE!

Today my mom yelled at spoke strongly to the pharmasist at Walgreens. They had tried to give us completely wrong perscriptions for this lady in our Ward who is on about 6 different meds...And it is kind of important that you get things right when it comes to medicine. And they'd messed up before. It was kind of interesting for me because she is not the type to get upset...And as I stared at chapstick while listening to her I realized I never stand up for myself about anything like that. I'm always just like, "okay, well, thanks for doing your best." I'm all for forgiveness, but I don't know where you draw the line between forgiving and being walked all over. I hate being told I'm being taken advantage of but also confrontation usually leads to worse consequences. But in the case of the pharmacy it was really quite ridiculous, they could cause some serious damage giving out the wrong pills.

The Red Cross called me this morning and I was all excited to see an unknown number because I thought it would be from somewhere I applied. No dice. Instead I'm just giving up my blood for free on someday I don't remember. And I called a couple of the places I applied to and it didn't sound like they wanted to hire me. Bah. This whole job thing sucks. And without some sort of thing to commit to I just lounge around all day and act like a depressed slug. Watching movies and eating gummi bears and sometimes running. I don't even have a desire to hang out with people, but at the same time I feel super lonely.

Went without sugar today though. I was sorely tempted...But I hid the gummi bears under my bed.
Started watching In the Land of Women even though I told myself I wouldn't. But it was on TV and the lure of Adam Brody was more than I could resist.

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