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May 5, 2009

Reasons I Love My Father

i'm all about gratitude right now.

so, i bring you....

Reasons I Love My Father

.he introduced me to the important things in life like Cool Hand Luke, M*A*S*H, and Bob Dylan
.he really, honestly tried to learn Spanish with cassette tapes
.he likes to pretend like he's a dentist
.he used to type up results for the Oscar's
.he taught me how to fish when i was really little, and hid the fish i caught from me because i was afraid of it
.he tells me i can do things even when i'm not sure i can
.in fact, he's convinced i can do anything
.he said, "yay!" when i told him i got into the film program
.he loves my mom and really shows it
.he helped me build a double-decker bunk swing and actually tried it out with me and talked about patenting the idea
.he likes good, weird food like sushi, curry, and raw octopus
.he thought the line in Jet's Look What You've Done was "take my Frodo off the wall."
.for a while whenever i left the house he'd say, "have fun, be good, drink sprite."
.he sometimes cries at things like weddings and Eagle Scout Court of Honors
.he is always willing to eat popcorn and cuddle
.he knows what's important in life
.he once tried to teach me how to salsa after taking a lesson on a cruise
.he's got the most gentle blue eyes
.people who don't know him sometimes think he's scary (which comes in handy with stupid boys)
.he always talks about moving back to Saudi Arabia, or going to Alaska
.he's made me who i am today (literally and figuratively)

i know you've seen this picture before, but it's just so cute!

1 comment:

E. said...

really adore the sprite line. also, you.