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Feb 21, 2009

love is a four letter word

Words like "darn" "frick" and "heck" have ovetaken the vocabulary of those of us who wish to refrain from using "cuss words" but these are really just words that somone decided to be less vulgar (probably because they sound like breeds of chickens).

I have come up with a substitute that is guaranteed to eliminate all harshness from your vocabulary.

Replace your curse word of choice with love.
Literally, replace it with love.


What the love?
Love you!
You're so lovin' annoying.
I lovin' hate that.
Go to love.
It's hot as love in here.
That's lova sweet.
Well I'll be loved.
There's no way in love...
Love it all!
Love happens

Just try sounding angry when you say one of those.


Lindsey said...

haha, how lovely :)

I think I'd start laughing if I heard people say that...It'd be awesome, haha :)

E. said...

This is quite actually my favorite new thing. I loving love you.