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Jan 25, 2009

we are children all our days

Yesterday at the LDS Film Festival was quite entertaining. It was no Sundance, but there was definitely a fair share of temperamental filmmakers and technical difficulties and running around.

In the morning we tallied votes. And they had this clever system where you rip along the dotted line that has a number next to it. So you rate the movie 1-5 but people got these crazy ideas that they should rip in between the lines, or rip out a square...people are strange.

Then there was the lanyard fiasco. First of all, who decides to name something a lan-yard? And then who designs something to attach things around your neck? Okay, I don't really hate lanyards that much, but people were waaay too concerned about having them. Got yelled at by a man with a long beard.

Also, spent most of our time at the front desk convincing people to buy Expiration Date. And getting chastised for not knowing everything about every movie that was playing.

I finally saw Diantha's Crossing! I worked on it at the very beginning of the summer (doing odds and ends and feeding people). And it was pretty and almost made me cry (in a good way) and I really liked it. So pretty. And it was a mini-reunion of the crew, which was exciting. Tom tried to do a crazy handshake that I did not understand in the slightest. I love that man.

The shorts we saw we're pretty good too.
You can watch one of my favourites here: Hearts

I saw the main actor in it after the screening and he gave me a "what's up" head nod and I didn't say anything to him. Because I am awkward. ha.

Then, this movie, Once Upon a Summer, which I think is best described as a mix between Charly, A Walk to Remember, and Fox and the Hound....And maybe also the Parent Trap. It was PACKED with people wanting to see it. Which was crazy, and almost made me want to stay to check it out, but we left.

Then I spent all night partying (watching a movie) with a rock star (famous only in Cambodia).
Not to mention the confusion that comes when you're half asleep and sitting in between people who have the same name.

This evening it snowed huge, beautiful flakes and Melanie and I were leaning over the couch staring out the window and people who walked by got a little freaked out when they noticed us with our noses pressed up against the window.

My roommate (from South Carolina) hardly has an accent at all, but right now she is on the phone with her family and her speech is getting progressively more and more Southern. It is hilarious. "he's so chaaar-min'!"

Speaking of Southern, if you haven't watched O Brother Where Art Thou recently, you should.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Yeah, but only one of them was ME.

Also, at your suggestion, I watched Hearts. And it was cute.