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Jun 28, 2008

ice, ice, baby

Just finished watching Jack. I watched it long ago and told myself not to watch it again because I was too heartbroken. I guess I only remembered the sad part. It's got a sweet little message. But I thought Robin Williams was pretty brilliant. He played a ten-year-old so well, mostly with his facial expressions. And it looks so unnatural coming from him, but it's the right kind of unnatural for the part. I loved how he ran everywhere flailing his arms about. And his shoes are always untied, but he never trips, which I found to be an important symbol.

Also, I don't know why, but I feel like everyone is in love with one of their teachers/professors at some point in their life. Not usually actual romantic crushes, but some sort of reckless endearment. I don't get it, but it happens over and over in movies/literature and in the world. Maybe because they give us knowledge, which is probably what our hearts really crave.

Went to a wedding reception today, they're always nice. Always have me planning my own, even though I don't know why weddings are always such a big deal. The point is you get to spend the rest of forever with a person you love and it's really just one day of that whole relationship. But I figure I'll plan it now while it's still fun to think about and when the time comes I won't have to worry about it. And I want my wedding dress to be short and made of cotton.

It got up to 100 degrees here today! Holy guacamole!

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