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Jun 18, 2008

Do you have to-Do you have to-Do you have to let it linger?

I'm going to be living a life of hecka long days for little pay, but I feel like this is one of those jobs were you can really make a difference in several lives if you try. A lot of kids who will be coming to camp might not have the best home life and while that makes my job harder it also makes it more important. [end sap]

So I'm going to be called "Astro" all summer because Candy came up with it and I couldn't come up with anything better. Like the dog on the Jetson's but also as in astronomical. And the Astrovan I drove in high school and Astro Zombies.

But, the staff is pretty brilliant. There are junior counselors 14-16 (babies) and the senior counselors 18-19. And most the JC's went to camp for a million years and when through their counselor-in-training camp and can sing every song and know every ritual and are quite the lil' campy things. And then there are us crazy old things that stumble over the songs (or sing them the wrong way if they're me, because I went to Girl's Camp too many years). I could tell you my opinion of each of the staff members so far but I'll just say I really appreciate Logos who not only named herself a part of persuasive essay writing, but when I asked her what type of music she liked the first thing she said was "Sufjan Stevens...And though I hate to admit it I like Coldplay" She also has amazingly short hair that I am tempted, but not brave enough, to try. There are a couple punk kids that I think will be fun too. Also working with Candy/Scout is bomb. And Moon Dog, the supervisor or something was way nice and we made some good conversation when he interviewed me.

Accomplishment today: Made a fox out of pipe cleaners that everyone was impressed with. Oh, Imma pwn all dem at Crafts.

Confession: We had to fact introduce ourselves to invisible campers and say our name and what pet we would have if we could have any pet. And I said Unicorn. But I always secretly hate it when people say Unicorns are they're favorite animal...It's just a horse with a carrot stuck to it's head, I don't see what's so magical about that. Plus, Micheal Scott invented them. People just like horses and want them to be magical. I'm glad most kids don't pick up on sarcasm.

Also, I was pleased to discover that there is such thing as beans and rice in the same can. Just heat, stir, and serve. Which will come in handy when I go on my third-world diet Winter semester.

For whatever reason I have Linger by the Cranberries stuck in my head...I had to look up who it was by. Cranberries are notorious for getting-stuck-in-head type songs (Zommmmbie Zommmbie Zommmbie-bee-bee).

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